The L1A Visa

This visa allows foreign companies to establish an affiliated office in the United States.

Do you have a successful foreign company and are looking to expand to the U.S.? The L1A visa could be perfect for you! This visa is designed for managers and executives of foreign companies who wish to relocate to the United States to manage a branch or subsidiary of their company.

One of the main advantages of the L1A visa is that there is no minimum investment requirement. This means that it can be an excellent option for companies that wish to expand to the United States without having to make a significant investment in the country. In addition, the L1A visa also allows your company's managers and executives to transfer to the U.S. with their spouses and children under the age of 21.

If you are looking to expand your business to the United States with a high level of control over your operations and take advantage of the country's labor and technology to enhance your global competitiveness, the L1A visa is perfect for your needs.

If you think your company could benefit from an L1A visa, contact us today! Fill out our form so we can advise you and help you through the application process - we are here to help you make your projects a reality!

Fill out this form and we will determine which Visa is best for you.

U$S 0

5 hours per week
5h 10h 15h 20h 25h 30h 35h 40h 45h 50h

What you will receive if you make a business consultation with us:

Service Price Including
1) Determine whether to start a new company or buy a business/franchise. $150 tick
2) Detailed profiles of franchises eligible for L1A visas $150 tick
3) Case studies of L1A visa investors who are operating successfully. $150 tick
4) Sample L1A visa business for sale $150 tick
5) Consultation with a qualified commercial broker in the desired city and state. $150 tick
6) Consultation with an accountant to establish your business entity and your accounting and tax needs. $150 tick
7) Consultation with the L1A visa business plan advisor. $150 tick
Total: $1375
Savings: $1186 tick

Opening times: Mon-Fri 8.30-17.30. Sat 9.00-14.00.
Phone: +1 407-545-4747