Att. Laura Sterling

Splitting Time, Not Families: Florida’s Guide to Parenting Plans

Hey there, fellow parents navigating the wild world of co-parenting in sunny Florida! Got your cup of coffee ready? Great, because we’re diving into the nitty-gritty of parenting plans without making you snooze. Think of it as a road map that helps you navigate through parenting with your ex without turning every decision into a …

Splitting Time, Not Families: Florida’s Guide to Parenting Plans Leer más »

Aumentaron las tarifas para los visados más importantes

Esta medida, orientada a acelerar determinados procesos migratorios a cambio de una tarifa adicional, responde a la necesidad de ajustar los costos al índice inflacionario acumulado desde junio de 2021 hasta junio de 2023. Con esta actualización, las nuevas tarifas oscilarán entre 1.500 dólares y 2.805 dólares, representando un incremento sustancial con respecto a los …

Aumentaron las tarifas para los visados más importantes Leer más »

From Arguments to Arrests: Understanding Florida’s Stance on Battery

Alright, let’s talk about what “battery” and “battery domestic violence” mean in Florida, but let’s keep it simple and casual. Battery: Battery Domestic Violence (BDV): Remember, these cases are really serious, especially when it’s about protecting people at home who might be in danger of more harm. Laws can change, and details can vary, so …

From Arguments to Arrests: Understanding Florida’s Stance on Battery Leer más »

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